Rentschler Biopharma CDMO headquarter Laupheim

Our sustainability target image: We take on responsibility

As an internationally operating CDMO, we dedicate all our expertise and passion to the production of biopharmaceuticals, enabling our clients to help patients with rare and serious diseases.​

We aim for sustainably creating value – with responsibility being one of our core corporate values.​ However, we must be aware of the fact that producing biopharmaceuticals of highest quality has an impact on the environment and on our society.​

With more than 150 years of history, we are committed to our holistic responsibility – for our company, our employees, our supply chain, our environment and our society.
Sustainability is therefore an important part of our corporate strategy.

Through mindful action we want to sustainably create value and contribute to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations.

We focus on the following six core topics

Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time.

In order to meet this challenge, companies in particular are called upon to significantly reduce their CO2 emissions. We have therefore joined the Science Based Target Initiative and intend to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by more than 40% within 10 years.

At the same time, we are addressing the issues of resource consumption and waste – a challenge in view of the extremely strict pharmaceutical regulatory requirements and the high-quality standards to which we are committed. Nevertheless, we strive to find ways to reduce our consumption of resources. In order to recycle waste in the best viable way, we implement various measures to separate waste and collect it by type. Our goal is to increase our separate collection rate at our production site in Laupheim to over 65% by the end of 2027.

Rentschler Biopharma  Sustainability Programme - Environment
Rentschler Biopharma  Sustainability Programme - Social

The health and safety of our employees is a priority for us. We have therefore set ourselves ambitious goals and are continuously working to establish a culture of occupational safety in order to reduce the number of accidents at work and on the way to work.

We are already promoting both the physical and mental health of our colleagues with our occupational health management and various health offerings. We are also striving to continuously develop in this area.

Responsibility, compliance, and integrity are the cornerstones of our business activities – in our own business area, but also within our supply chain. It is therefore of fundamental importance to us that all managers and employees receive ongoing training on our values and our Code of Conduct and act accordingly.

However, our responsibility is not limited to our own area of business, which is why we consider our supply chain as part of our sustainability program. We are continuously rolling out our Supplier Code of Conduct within our supply chain and intend to subject all new suppliers to a more comprehensive sustainability assessment from January 1, 2024.

Rentschler Biopharma  Sustainability Programme - Governance

Electricity sourced from 100% renewables for our headquarters in Laupheim

Since January 1, 2024, we have been purchasing 100% of our externally sourced electricity in Laupheim as certified green electricity from renewable energy sources (via guarantees of origin), thus taking a first step towards a more sustainable energy supply.

Independent evaluation of our sustainability performance by Ecovadis

Since its foundation in 2007, EcoVadis has developed into the world's largest and most reliable provider of sustainability ratings for companies with now more than 130,000 rated companies. Since 2021, we have also had our sustainability performance assessed annually by EcoVadis. This year, we were awarded a silver medal for our commitment to sustainability. Compared to 2023, we were able to increase our score by a full 16 points and are now among the top 15% of companies rated by EcoVadis.

Rentschler Biopharma part of the Responsible Care Initiative

As a member company of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI), we have joined the Responsible Care Initiative and are committed to continuously improving the protection of health and the environment as well as the safety of our employees and our fellow citizens on our own responsibility.

Rentschler Biopharma joined UN Global Compact

We are pleased to announce that in June 2024, we have joined the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. This commitment to responsible business practices aligns with our core values and demonstrates our dedication to upholding the ten principles of the UN Global Compact which cover human and labor rights, environmental protection, and business conduct. Our annual progress report, which will provide a transparent and comprehensive account of our sustainability activities, will support our ambition to create value sustainably.

Our contact for sustainability

Sustainability plays a key role in our "Rentschler 2032" vision, reflecting our self-conception of taking responsibility as a company. Our understanding of sustainability goes far beyond protecting the environment and includes social and economic issues as well as ecological aspects. And it is precisely this holistic understanding of sustainability that makes my job as sustainability manager at Rentschler Biopharma so exciting and varied. Here, the exchange with my colleagues is particularly important to me, because in the end we can only make a difference together and thus create value sustainably.

Maximilian Ludwig, Manager Sustainability Management

Rentschler Biopharma  Maximilian Ludwig Sustainability Manager

Environment, Health and Safety Policy


Labour and Human Rights Policy


Declaration of Principles on Human Rights


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